Archive for marzo 2008

Non pago di leggere tra le biblioteche e il social web

17 marzo 2008

Lo sapevate che Molly Bloom è ancora viva? E non è PAGA DI LEGGERE!

Grazie infinite a Monica Mazzitelli e agli amici di Cologno Monzese per la creatività e la determinazione con cui portano avanti la battaglia contro il prestito a pagamento!

E, visto che si parla di interventi presentati alle Stelline, non può mancare l’invito a leggere I diritti della biblioteca: accesso alla conoscenza, proprietà intellettuale e nuovi servizi, di Antonella De Robbio, disponibile in slide e paper.

LibraryThing goes Local

3 marzo 2008

State preparando un evento in biblioteca? Volete far conoscere la vostra piccola o grande libreria preferita? Ecco a voi LibraryThing Local, l’anello mancante tra il mondo dei libri online e quello offline, ovvero l’ultima creatura di Tim Spalding, il padre del sito di social book-marking LibraryThing. Un estratto dall’annuncio sul blog (grassetti miei):

LibraryThing Local is a gateway to thousands of local bookstores, libraries and book festivals—and to all the author readings, signings, discussions and other events they host. It is our attempt to accomplish what hasn’t happened yet—the effective linking of the online and offline book worlds. Books still don’t fully “work” online; this is a step toward mending them.

LibraryThing Local is a handy reference, but it’s also interactive. You can show off your favorite bookstores and libraries (eg., mine include the Harvard Bookstore, Shakespeare and Company and the Boston Athenaeum) and keep track of interesting events. Then you can find out who else loves the places you do, and who else is going to events. You can also find local members, write comments about the places you love and more. […]

This kind of passion give us hope that LibraryThing Local will swiftly become the web’s best, most complete source for finding bookstores and library—and for the events they throw.  […] Authors! Publishers! Libraries! Bookstores! Right now, everyone can add events. But they won’t necessarily get to you, so go ahead and add your venues and events. We are experimenting with the concept of “claiming” a venue, so that a bookstore of library can assert control over its basic factual information. (You don’t control the comment wall, of course.) For now, you need to email us. Go to a venue for more details.”

E in omaggio a uno dei sacri principi del Web 2.0, LibraryThing Local non poteva che essere in beta (Beta, Forevah): “LibraryThing Local is not “done.” It’s missing key features, like RSS. And it has a few bugs. For good or ill, that’s how we work around here.

The main planned improvements are:

  • RSS Feeds
  • Fine-grained privacy settings
  • Author and work integration
  • Enhanced features for bookstores and libraries that take part
  • More stats, like the most interesting events”